
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Business Plan Monster-Genius Experts

Business Plan Monster-Genius Experts

     There are people in the world that supersede the definition of intelligence.  This depth of knowledge is so great and intense that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to quite understand what exactly goes on in these ultra-intelligent and mega-impressive minds.  Reid Hoffman is the epitome of this very kind of person I am attempting to explain.  Hoffman is a Symbolic Systems graduate of Stanford University.  He also obtains a Master’s degree in Philosophy from Oxford University.  Hoffman’s notoriety stems from his involvement with popular Internet sites, LinkedIn and Pay Pal, both of which were co-developed by Hoffman.  To say the least, Reid Hoffman is a technological monster-genius, but he is also an extremely savvy and talented businessman.  He has recently written a book entitled The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age, on the subject.  Inside the book, readers learn that Hoffman claims a critical and key component to writing a business plan that will attract investors is to focus on achieving revenue as well as member growth.  Reason being, revenue and the growth of a company are the main objectives focused on by potential investors.
     Donald Trump agrees that revenue and member growth are at the top of the importance ladder for possible investors but also stresses that developing a time frame is also a crucial and key component for a successful business plan because possible investors must envision how long the process will take before the revenue member growth becomes palpable.  I have been a long time admirer of Donald Trump’s genius moneymaking mind.  Trump’s ability, like Hoffman’s, to monopolize on absolutely anything he attempts is part of that mind-boggling, intellectual depth that I mentioned in the beginning of this blog.  While Hoffman’s genius is technology driven, Trump’s passion lies within the real estate realm.  Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in economics and went straight to work in New York City for his father’s already successful real estate firm.   Today, Donald Trump is viewed as one of the world’s best real estate entrepreneurs.
     I encourage anyone reading this blog who finds it remotely interesting to research both of these business experts.  You too may learn the importance of Reid Hoffman’s “think big, act fast” theory, and/or Donald Trump’s “focus on the positive and blatantly ask for the money” theory; both of which I will be considering when writing my future business plan.



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